Help keep this site safe, complete this task at the start of each shift.
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact head office.
Whether you're running as a takeaway or planning for when you reopen, use the time now to build a safer business.
Switching from paper to digital checks now allows you to quickly adapt your business to new ways of working. From changes in customer service to adding social distancing markers to the floor:
• Quickly turn new processes into simple digital checklists.
• Clearly and consistently communicate new measures to teams across multiple sites.
• Get performance insights and monitor task completion from anywhere.
Free Covid-19 Checklists
Our teams have developed a set of customisable checklists and forms to help you stay in control.
Reopen Safely
Customisable FSA approved checklists to give you confidence to reopen safely.
Cleaning and Hygiene
Communicate new cleaning procedures and prompt frequent hand washing. Trail ensures that your teams know exactly when and how to perform critical new tasks.
Team Health and Education
Monitor team health and use checklists to make sure everyone knows how to keep themselves and customers safe.